Architectural Design

ArqKa Biological Architecture offers a whole approach and integration through geometric, energetic, magnetic, shape, color and music design with a wide range of services ranging from macro to micro guidelines. This comprehensive system aims to create spaces that generate "life and order" (and therefore greater welfare index).
These studies are based on scientific research where is stated that certain geometric patterns can generate "heterodynamic wave interference of waves." This means that the architecture will benefit the people and the environment, specific mathematical proportions and sacred geometry patterns that result from the studies are applied to the project. This helps to create a harmonious impact on the environment, generates health, harmony and well-being in people and promotes an integration with society.

The Arqka Life System

Arq.ka ofrece la integración de todo un proyecto dando lineamientos generales geométricos, energéticos, magnéticos, de formas, color y música con una amplia gama de servicios que abarcan desde lo macro a lo micro de un proyecto.

Este sistema integral tiene como objetivo el crear espacios que generen “vida y orden” ( y por lo tanto mayor índice de bienestar). Las investigaciones científicas en las que se basan estos estudios se remiten a la creación de ciertos patrones geométricos que generan “conjunción heterodinámica de ondas”. Esto quiere decir que la arquitectura va a beneficiar a los habitantes y al medio ambiente, por las proporciones matemáticas y la geometría sustentable que resulte de los estudios. Esto ayuda a generar un impacto armonioso en el entorno; genera salud, armonía y bienestar en los habitantes y promueve una integración armónica con la sociedad.

The ArqKa Life System consist in 4 stages


Conceptual Geometry

 Specific and personalized studies of the owner and client, graphic design, business development, coaching, release of blockages and business consulting


Grid Geometry

Earth science, mathematical and geometrical matrices in a specific terrain.


Applied geometry

Architectural design and interior design based on previous studies.


Artistic Geometry

 Music, art and sculpture mathematically linked together.

Book "Sacred Geometry and Architecture"

The Science of Biological Architecture and Sacred Geometry

by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter

+100 Articles

More than 100 articles on Sacred Geometry
and Biological Architecture

Book "Biofractal"

Biofractal the Science of Biological Architecture and Sacred Geometry 

by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter