
Throughout the history of mankind, the golden section has been used in the finest artistic expressions. We can find it from the Greeks to the Renaissance, through some impressionists. 

The Golden Ratio

As we have seen, is in the design and the beauty of nature, why painters and sculptors have used it as the supreme symbol of harmony with which it seeks to express the beauty in art design. It is essential to establish a deep contact with these art forms because it is one of the tools to increase our development of emotional awareness.

Art, music, painting and sculpture are amalgamated in mandalas. They are used since immemorial time and express deep and sacred symbols of a human being.

It is noteworthy that the golden ratio is only a tool and not a rule for composition. 

Book "Sacred Geometry and Architecture"

The Science of Biological Architecture and Sacred Geometry

by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter

+100 Articles

More than 100 articles on Sacred Geometry
and Biological Architecture

Book "Biofractal"

Biofractal the Science of Biological Architecture and Sacred Geometry 

by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter