Biological Architecture

and Sacred Geometry

Arqka Life System

Biological Architecture,is the state of the art to create energy and maximize the life force in the interplay of the space and human beings who inhabit it. It is a set of principles that determine which symmetries or electromagnetic field qualities allow biological structures to thrive.

Who developed the concept of Biological Architecture?
In 2006 ratifying the 1st International Congress on Biological Architecture at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico; Ninon Fregoso, Arturo Ponce de Leon, Dan Winter, Michael Rice and Oldrich Hozman developed the concept of Biological Architecture to build healthier spaces meeting the Sacred Geometry principles and sustainable design.

Where can I find more information On Biological Architecture


In the official website of Psychogeometry who offer seminars since 2000 in the field of geometry, Architecture and Sustainable Design.

Universida Geometría Sagrada

In the Sacred Geometry University with a Master degree in Biological Architecture and Sustainable Design.

Youtube Psicogeometría

In the dozens of free videos in Youtube
YouTube Psicogeometria

Book "Sacred Geometry and Architecture"

The Science of Biological Architecture and Sacred Geometry

by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter

+100 Articles

More than 100 articles on Sacred Geometry
and Biological Architecture

Book "Biofractal"

Biofractal the Science of Biological Architecture and Sacred Geometry 

by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter