Graphic Design

In ancient times prevailed the nexus of art with the sacred sciences. Later on, Materialism and the Industrial Revolution intend to use art as an expression of the market. We apply elements of Sacred Geometry and elaborate projects where we link proportions, geometric patterns, harmonies, rhythms and colors with the psyche to generate conceptual designs of both the people and the land. 

We propose an objective aesthetic according to subjective needs. We apply schemes that look good on the outside and nourish on the inside. Through the use of codes, symbols and archetypes we show the essence that underlies a concept or a desire, reaching resonance with the sacredness.  
We propose design studies that embrace the condition of infinite fractality outward and inward, evolving into a resource to rediscover the natural path that leads to the sublime creating Abundance, Beauty and Harmony in form.

Book "Sacred Geometry and Architecture"

The Science of Biological Architecture and Sacred Geometry

by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter

+100 Articles

More than 100 articles on Sacred Geometry
and Biological Architecture

Book "Biofractal"

Biofractal the Science of Biological Architecture and Sacred Geometry 

by Arturo Ponce de León, Ninón Fregoso, Michael Rice, Dan Winter